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Year 10 GCSE Drama students attended a performance of the classic play - An Inspector Calls
Year 10 GCSE Drama students attended a performance of the classic play - An Inspector Calls

May 20, 2024 | | Tags: Expressive Arts

“We don’t live alone. We are members of one body. We are responsible for each other” - Inspector Goole. On Thursday 16th May, the Year 10 GCSE Drama students attended a performance of the classic play; An Inspector Calls at the Salón Varietés Theatre in Fuengirola. A single evening, a mysterious visitor…

Healthy Snacks!
Healthy Snacks!

May 20, 2024 | | Tags: Primary

Year Two have been learning all about plants in their Science lessons. The children explored plants that we can eat by choosing delicious salad ingredients to make their own healthy snack. They learnt that there are many different plants that we can eat and also so many things that we like to eat are…

The Debra Butterfly Skin Charity
The Debra Butterfly Skin Charity

May 20, 2024 | | Tags: Charity

We welcomed representatives Alicia & Evanina from the Debra Butterfly Skin Charity to our school. They shared the daily challenges faced by individuals, especially children, living with Butterfly Skin condition. Our students were deeply moved by the engaging assemblies held for both Primary and Secondary…



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