Latest News

Year 1 had a fantastic opportunity to visit the Science Lab
Year 1 had a fantastic opportunity to visit the Science Lab

Jun 09, 2024 | | Tags: Primary, Science

Year 1 had a fantastic opportunity to visit the Science lab with Dr Maria Sutcliffe. The children were fascinated by the equipment in the lab and had countless questions to ask. We learnt about density and observed Dr Sutcliffe testing various materials in water. We discovered how bubbles are formed…

Year 9 Exploring Electrical Circuits
Year 9 Exploring Electrical Circuits

May 08, 2024 | | Tags: KS3, Science

In their exploration of electrical circuits, Year 9 students engaged in setting up various configurations, experimenting with both series and parallel arrangements. With hands-on activities, they meticulously connected wires, lamps, ammeters and voltmeters, observing how current flows through each setup.…

Cardiac Chronicles: A Deep Dive into the Biology of the Heart
Cardiac Chronicles: A Deep Dive into the Biology of the Heart

May 03, 2024 | | Tags: Primary, Science

Our Year 6 students had an opportunity to step into the world of Secondary Science with a visit to the Biology lab! Under the guidance of Mr Hogan, our budding scientists observed a fascinating dissection of a cow's heart. Ensuring all students felt comfortable and were not left feeling queasy, this…

Year 11 Students Elucidating Complex Concepts in Chemistry
Year 11 Students Elucidating Complex Concepts in Chemistry

Mar 12, 2024 | | Tags: KS4, Science

"Moles," a term with various meanings, particularly in Chemistry, where it represents a quantity equivalent to 6.02x10^23 particles, a concept often challenging to comprehend. Year 11 students have conducted experiments utilising materials such as egg shells to investigate stoichiometry in equations…

Exploring the Heart - Year Biology
Exploring the Heart - Year Biology

Feb 16, 2024 | | Tags: Science, KS4

Year 10 students dove into the fascinating world of the cardiovascular system! From unravelling the intricate inner workings of the heart to tracing the pathways of blood circulation, this lesson took on a hands-on turn as our students dissected the hearts of pigs which bear a remarkable likeness to…

Latest News
Year 2 enjoyed a fantastic visit to see Dr. Sutcliffe in the Science lab

Nov 21, 2023 | | Tags: Primary, Science

Year 2 enjoyed a fantastic visit to see Dr. Sutcliffe in the Science lab. They were fascinated to test different foods to see if they contained carbohydrate, or protein. The children worked in pairs and used the pipettes to carefully drop the testing solutions onto the different foods. Then, they recorded…

The EIC wishes all budding scientists a happy World Science Day
The EIC wishes all budding scientists a happy World Science Day

Nov 10, 2023 | | Tags: Science

The EIC wishes all budding scientists a happy World Science Day. Observed annually on November 10th. This day holds particular significance at our school as we work to foster a passion for science among our students and make EVERY DAY World Science Day!

Year 6 Identifying Solutions
Year 6 Identifying Solutions

Oct 17, 2023 | | Tags: Primary, Science

Year 6 students showed great enthusiasm for learning the concepts of ACIDS, ALKALIS, and NEUTRAL solutions and the use of INDICATORS to identify them. Through various demonstrations where different indicators were added to various solutions, they realised that only the Universal Indicator could identify…

Eggcepcionally Strong!
Eggcepcionally Strong!

Oct 03, 2023 | | Tags: Primary, Science

Ever wondered why eggs have their unique shape?  As part of Year 5's Science Animal unit, we conducted a science eggsperiment to investigate this, discovering how its shape ensures strength and prevents cracking!

Year 4 students learning about the components of AIR
Year 4 students learning about the components of AIR

Sep 29, 2023 | | Tags: Primary, Science

Year 4 students sat in awe in the laboratory as a Bunsen burner was lit up and gases were produced and collected by the downward displacement of water. We were learning about the components of AIR and what we breathe out. The pictures tell the story. They confirmed that the components of heat energy,…



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