Latest News

Spanish Reading - Contributing Ideas
Spanish Reading - Contributing Ideas

Nov 29, 2023 | | Tags: KS3, MFL

In KS3, students use a Spanish reading platform to encourage regular reading. This platform enables readers to engage with authors and participate in ongoing book creation. Heng, selected from among hundreds of schools, had his idea incorporated by the author, contributing to the book's continued development.…


Nov 15, 2023 | | Tags: KS3, KS4

Mentoring sessions in school between tutors and tutees play a vital role in nurturing students' academic and personal development. These sessions offer a structured platform for students to discuss their academic progress, challenges, and goals. Tutors, who are well-acquainted with their students, provide…

Mr Willis introduced our Year 9 students to their IGCSE options
Mr Willis introduced our Year 9 students to their IGCSE options

Nov 14, 2023 | | Tags: KS4, KS3

Last week, Mr Willis introduced our Year 9 students to their IGCSE options. The students were given a brief introduction to the selection process in order to give them time to talk to teachers, talk to students, and therefore be in a position to make an informed decision when it is time to select their…

CENTURY - AI-powered Maths platform
CENTURY - AI-powered Maths platform

Nov 10, 2023 | | Tags: Maths, KS3

Key Stage 3 teachers have been using the online AI-powered Maths platform CENTURY this half term to enhance teaching and learning, setting individually differentiated work in order to provide optimum learning opportunities for consolidation, revision and extension work.  Students have been using CENTURY…

Latest News
Halloween descended upon The EIC in a freakishly fabulous way!

Nov 06, 2023 | | Tags: Primary, KS3

Last Friday saw Halloween once again descend upon The EIC in a freakishly fabulous way! Wake Up Spook Up had the Primary school getting “dem dancing bones” working to full capacity with parents not only watching in awe, but then joining in and dusting off the cobwebs. Year 7 made a return to their…

September Students of the Month
September Students of the Month

Oct 18, 2023 | | Tags: Primary, KS3, KS4, Sixth Form

Congratulations to the first group of students who have been recognised as our Students of the Month (September). What a fantastic start they have made to the academic year; they are a shining example to their peers. Well done!

Year 8 - Fairytale Puppet Show
Year 8 - Fairytale Puppet Show

Oct 09, 2023 | | Tags: Primary, Expressive Arts, KS3

Over the last few weeks, Year 8 students have been preparing their own fairytale puppet show performances by creating and making their own character sock puppets, giving them a voice and adapting some well known stories, ready to perform live in front of an audience. On Monday 9th October they were very…

Happy World Teachers' Day 2023
Happy World Teachers' Day 2023

Oct 05, 2023 | | Tags: Primary, KS3, KS4, Sixth Form

The EIC extends its warmest appreciation for educators around the world. Happy World Teachers' Day!

A smoother transition from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3
A smoother transition from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3

Sep 22, 2023 | | Tags: Primary, KS3

The aim of the Protostar Award is to create a pathway to help prepare Year 6 for Year 7, a smoother transition from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3. Students are given “Star Challenges” to complete over the summer, if they wish, based on subjects offered in Secondary such as Maths, Computing, English etc. Usually…

Mastering Microscopy Techniques
Mastering Microscopy Techniques

Sep 15, 2023 | | Tags: KS3, Science

Today, Year 9 were studying onion cells using 40x magnification microscopes to meticulously observe and document their findings recording what they see. The exercise serves as a crucial stepping stone in their journey towards mastering microscopy techniques, laying the foundation for more advanced scientific…



Admissions is now open for the 2025/2026 academic year. Please be aware that there can be a waiting period of up to 10 days for tour appointments.

We recognize the importance of choosing the right school for your family and we are here to help. Please take the time to read through the Admissions pages to familiarise yourself with the admissions process, but don't hesitate to contact us if you have questions.

When you are ready please visit the Making an Enquiry page to begin the process of joining us.
