Oct 26, 2021 | |
Many congratulations to these IPQ (International Project Qualification) students who had fantastic success last year as all five were awarded A*s. They chose a diverse range of topics to investigate including whether America’s use of the atomic bomb against Japan was justified, are serial killers born…
Oct 25, 2021 | |
Year 9 carried out some investigations into the conditions preferred by a sample of woodlice. They set up choice chambers with different conditions to see which would be preferred by the woodlice.
Oct 24, 2021 | |
Foundation Stage enjoyed a fantastic trip to the farm where we were able to see and touch a wide variety of farm animals, made some very tasty biscuits and got lost in a sensory maze. Some of us even snoozed on the way back to school after a busy and exciting day!
Oct 24, 2021 | |
To close off the half term with a Halloween theme, EIC's talented and growing assembly of musicians treated us to an ever popular Sound Garden spectacle. Thank you for the sublime performances, you have left us wanting in more!
Oct 21, 2021 | |
Yesterday our Sixth Form took part in the COBIS Virtual Universities Fair. The Fair included a series of talks from experts on topics such as choosing a university, how to write a personal statement, help for students studying medicine, studying business or studying STEM, advice for students applying…
Oct 21, 2021 |
We were delighted to have our first open morning this academic year and would like to thank those of you who attended. We hope you enjoyed your personal tour and found it valuable, and left you with a greater understanding of what we do here at EIC.
Sep 30, 2021 | |
Year 6 took part in some drama activities this week as part of their English learning about World War II. Working in small groups, children had to create freeze frames recreating scenes from The Blitz. Sheltering in an Anderson Shelter, exploring a bombed out house, being caught in an air raid attack…
Sep 28, 2021 | |
Our Primary students enjoyed themselves immensely on Friday as they took part in EIC's House Day. The excitement had been building throughout the week and when the day came, even the rain could not dampen our spirits! Managing to maintain our safety bubbles, teachers organised a variety of practical…
Sep 27, 2021 | |
The Modern Foreign Languages department is taking the opportunity to make students aware of the importance of learning a foreign language by celebrating European Day of Languages 2021. It actually fell on Sunday the 26th September, but we weren't going let it pass us by!
Sep 23, 2021 | |
On Tuesday our Year 11 students made a visit to Principia, the Science museum in Málaga, where they were able to see many demonstrations and participate in many hands-on activities. After this they travelled to the crocodile park where the activities with crocodiles was not actively encouraged! Instead,…
Admissions is now open for the 2025/2026 academic year. Please be aware that there can be a waiting period of up to 10 days for tour appointments.
We recognize the importance of choosing the right school for your family and we are here to help. Please take the time to read through the Admissions pages to familiarise yourself with the admissions process, but don't hesitate to contact us if you have questions.
When you are ready please visit the Making an Enquiry page to begin the process of joining us.