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What's My Story? - Primary Projects
What's My Story? - Primary Projects

Apr 16, 2024 | | Tags: Primary

It was a wonderful way to start the Summer Term with our Lower and Upper Primary students and families coming together to celebrate our 7th year of Primary Projects, this year entitled 'What's My Story?' This year we took a slightly more informal and relaxed approach with a picnic in the Secret Garden…

Year 12 UK Universities Fair
Year 12 UK Universities Fair

Apr 16, 2024 | | Tags: Sixth Form

On Thursday and Friday, we were fortunate to be able to invite two sets of UK universities to talk to Year 12 students and parents about studying in the UK and their specific institutions. Each day featured a Universities Fair with a total of eighteen universities. After an overview of the UK university…

Dress to Express Your Culture/Heritage
Dress to Express Your Culture/Heritage

Apr 16, 2024 | | Tags: Primary, KS3, KS4, Sixth Form

Our students across both Primary and Secondary were invited to come to school dressed in their cultural/heritage wear to celebrate our diversity as an International School! Last Friday, our corridors were a vibrant display of colours and traditions, with students arriving in their traditional cultural…



Admissions will open in October for the 2025/2026 academic year.

We recognize the importance of choosing the right school for your family and we are here to help. Please take the time to read through the Admissions pages to familiarise yourself with the admissions process, but don't hesitate to contact us if you have questions.

When you are ready please visit the Making an Enquiry page to begin the process of joining us.
