Latest News

The Sixth Form Charitable Journey to Morocco, an EIC Tradition Spanning over two Decades.
The Sixth Form Charitable Journey to Morocco, an EIC Tradition Spanning over two Decades.

Nov 27, 2023 | | Tags: Sixth Form, Charity

This charitable journey to Morocco provides our students with a remarkable experience, a tradition spanning over two decades. During our visits to different centres, we have consistently contributed funds to support their noble causes. This year, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who took part…

An Icy Challenge to Support the Red Cross Food Bank Appeal
An Icy Challenge to Support the Red Cross Food Bank Appeal

Nov 27, 2023 | | Tags: PTA, Charity

A salute to the brave teachers who willingly took on the icy challenge to support the Red Cross food bank appeal. In less than four days, we successfully raised a considerable total of 420€. Special mention to Mr. Brett and Mr. Sutcliffe, who gracefully and humorously endured the cold shock treatment.…



Admissions will open in October for the 2025/2026 academic year.

We recognize the importance of choosing the right school for your family and we are here to help. Please take the time to read through the Admissions pages to familiarise yourself with the admissions process, but don't hesitate to contact us if you have questions.

When you are ready please visit the Making an Enquiry page to begin the process of joining us.
