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Primary Projects - Year 6

Our second project exhibition was the turn of our Year 6 's and WOW, how they impressed and engaged every single member of their audience!

Eight groups with eight different presentations on changes that have occurred over the last 40 years. We were informed all about Global Warming, Natural Disasters, Development in Health, The Evolution of Toys and Games (and how play has changed for children), The Emergence of the Internet and Apps, How Sport Has Evolved, Our Changing Universe and finally, Moving to Mars.

Between them, the children explored a variety of controversial and topical subjects and the effects of their development and changes over the last 40 years. Each group spoke so eloquently and so confidently - using language far superior to their age. Each presentation was detailed and full of informative facts.

Developing confident speaking skills is not only an integral part of education but also provides great preparation for any public speaking in future years. These children certainly succeeded in all these areas. They are very much on the right path to further success in Key Stage 3 and the Star Award programme.



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