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Return to Verbier - EIC Ski Trip

Dec 16, 2022 | | Tags: PE

After a two year hiatus it was amazing to be able to return to the slopes in Verbier for the annual EIC Ski trip. It is the biggest trip that we have ever run from the EIC with 70 students and staff members all looking forward to some action on the pistes! A school Ski Trip is always one that is remembered…

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Key Stage 3 Science Photography Competition

Dec 16, 2022 | | Tags: KS3, Science

On Thursday, we announced the winners of our Key Stage 3 Science photography competition. Our students took photographs during their visit to the Butterfly Park in Benalmádena during their Science trips and the best photograph from each year group was selected by a panel of judges. Students had a…



Admissions will open in October for the 2025/2026 academic year.

We recognize the importance of choosing the right school for your family and we are here to help. Please take the time to read through the Admissions pages to familiarise yourself with the admissions process, but don't hesitate to contact us if you have questions.

When you are ready please visit the Making an Enquiry page to begin the process of joining us.
